Registered with Companies House, UK

Welcome to the online Offices of Altuz NxT EVconomy LLC !

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About Us

AltKuz NxT EVconomy, promoted by AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors, is born out of our long-held advantage in Transportation Policy & Economics. Our Design, Policies and Strategies are integrated with Technological advances, Sustainability Finance, Energy Economics, SDG Priorities & Global political events. Such advantage obtains us a niche position in the Sector that is undergoing rapid schumpeterian changes.... changes that have thrown up a plethora of sustainability issues that obtain us an upper hand in offering sustainable solutions to Governments & Corporates. 

Our firm consults on frontier Sustainability issues in the Transport Sector,
with particular focus on the EV revolution. We offer EV-centric Sustainability strategies for the entire Transportation Sector that obtain an expedited transition to Climate Sustainability.  Our Market Regulatory design offers the potential of re-orienting incentives faced by Durables Manufacturers, Consumables suppliers within the Sector, and adds to the choices, associated incentives and Tax outgoes faced by Customers & Clients, thus sparking off an expedited transition to a Circular EV economy.   

Whatz the 'AltKuz NxT EV niche'?

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We are anticipating of the larger Technological & Financial context that often force Political decisions.
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We formulate policies that are both sustainable and circular, and which integrate all sections of the society, and which are cognizant of intra- & inter-modal nuances.
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We understand the dynamics of how Infrastructure relates to Consumer & Biz Durables,  and who how they, in turn, determine Consumables Choices.

Our Services

Supporting the EV Revolution across Transportation Modes

AltKuz NxT EVconomy anticipates the EV Sustainability issues of tomorrow :       

                - the Safety Infrastructure for Flying Cars,                            

                - the Circularity of EV-charging power,

                - the advent of Solid State Batteries, to Sustainability metrics for                     evaluating EVs, their Batteries and Charging Power,

                - the coordination of Used EVs across User Classes

                - the imperative to integrate Solid State Technology, Charging Grid                     with the era of Flying Automobiles

                - the imperative to upgrade Transportation Infrastructure to catch                     up with Technology

AltKuz NxT EVconomy intends to be at the forefront of the Technology Policy Debate to assist the Public across Sustainability Issues

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Shipping & Road Freight

We model Sustainability metrics for Shipping & Road Freight transportation, and suggest strategies that multi-lateral Trade Agencies, Sustainability organizations & Precincts could adopt to increment Local & Global Environmental Sustainability.

We monitor the composition of Grid-charged power to inform the Public of how sustainable their Private & Public Charging are, and strategies they could adopt to make their Sustainability Dollars count.

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Passenger & Air Freight

We anticipate the ongoing revolution in EV & Hybrid-EV-powered transportation that extends to Aviation, and suggest how such technologies could be leveraged with Passenger-focused incentives & End user-oriented strategies that also solve the larger context of Climate Sustainability.

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Private & Public

Urban & InterCity  

AltKuz NxT EVconomy offers multiple strategies to increment EVs, EV share of Vehicle Miles as well as strategies that obtain a quantum increment to share of Green Electrons in Grid-charged EVs. 

Our Strategies extend from Personal Tax incentives that relate to Household Durables and Consumables purchases, to incentives that obtain incremented Household Circularity metrics from purchases of EVs, associated EV Batteries, and charging over long periods. 

Our niche .... your Opportunity !

AltKuz NxT EVconomy offers designs & strategies to Multi-lateral entities, Governments, Regulatory Institutions, Associations, Corporates and Financial entities that are commonly directed to obtain the outcomes of its Sustainability niche.  

We invite Multi-lateral agencies, Government Agencies, Regulators, CSR Managers & Long-range Financial planners to contact us with their Transportation Climate Sustainability issues
Multi-lateral Institutions

We offer Sustainability-finance embellished designs that solve the global Climate crisis by infusing Sustainability in to the Transportation Sector. 

Our design operate thru global financial markets and incentivize large funds to react conformable to long-run Climate Sustainability.

Regulators & Associations

Our designs recognize Costs and Benefits of adopting the EV Technological revolution at a faster pace, and obtain a nuanced differentiation of Sector firms and Capital markets consistent with Political sensitivities, Corporate priorities and Household enthusiasm for Sustainability and Circularity. 

Corporates & Market Financial entities 

AltKuz NxT EVconomy leverages the Sustainability Finance to offer Sustainability Funds a leg up in administering Transportation Sustainability programs, incentives and strategies. 

Our strategies add to Circularity and obtain quantum improvements to Corporate Sustainability metrics with meaningful long-run gains.


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